Monday, April 21, 2008

Final Site

The idea for my site is fairly basic, I will display pictures of my collection that I have taken myself with accompanying anecdotes and descriptions. Links to sites of other groups, collectors and suppliers will also be included on another page.

Each page could be on a particular category: designer, creator, scale, character type or the materials it is made of for example. Artist-designed, 1/6 scale, superheroes, designer vinyl, or brand names like Volks or Obitsu are some common designations that I might use.

I have a particular vision of the layout in my head which I do not even know is possible with our given tools. I have not used Dreamweaver for some time, is it possible that we might have access to Photoshop or something like that? I have an idea of a bright white background with a dollup of bright color surrounding each image which has been coordinated to the colors in that image.

Bright yummy colors! Hooray!

1 comment:

Johannes said...

Sounds cool! I can't wait to see your pictures. In my experience, pictures are always a good method to get and keep people interested in a website.