Saturday, April 12, 2008

More Thoughts

Besides my toys I may add some other things I find cool to the site that I am interested in like feminism, music, comics, the fine & "lowbrow" arts, or U.S. indie, Japanese and Mexican pro wrestling, but only if there is time and it grows organically out of the rest of the content. All of these topics go together naturally to me because they are part of who I am, but I plan to keep the site as simple as possible at first. It may not be until after we turn finish the class that I add these other elements.

Bright, candy colors will definately be the order of the day on the site. Pink, red, orange, yellow, lime, etc.

Through this site I hope to maybe take part in "The Fangirl Project", because now I have even more impetus to travel hundreds of miles to take pictures of myself with my collection (currently stored in my old bedroom at my parent's house - bless 'em).


zerbipedia said...

I love comics too! I'm curious what kinds of titles you read. Are you going to the comicon in NY this weekend?

Don Diego said...

Mexican Wrestling! I grew up watching lucha libre? I am fascinated by what you may post on your website, if you decide to. Do you collect lucha libre figures?

jenny said...

In the beginning I also thought of doing a site all about my favorite things. Wouldn't that be fun? Probably not super interesting to anyone else, but fun nonetheless.