Friday, April 11, 2008


Well, apparently we were to supposed to mention how much web design experience we have. The last time I was in school I had to create a site for a class using dreamweaver and photoshop. It was about memory and was called "Wax Tablets of the Mind". It was also jointly taught by a history professor and a psychology professor. We created a "memory palace" based on the mental device of imagining your mind as a building and that all of your memories are located inside just waiting to be removed from a drawer or a cabinet. My site was based on nostalgia and I created photoshop collages depicting a castle where people, characters and phenomena, et all from my youth were all banqueting. The villains from my nightmares, however, resided in the dungeon. This was over seven and a half years ago though, so I don't remember much. I also had a lame geocities page which really doesn't count. Anyways.... :P

1 comment:

Joel N. said...

I didn't know we were supposed to mention that either!